Icebreaker, pigment ink and marker on fabriano paper, 70 X 100cm, 2011, Moon Light, pigment ink on fabriano paper, 50 X 70cm, 2011 Rain and Snow and Sand and Wind mixed, pigment ink on fabriano paper, 50 X 70cm, 2011 破冰船,水彩纸上针管笔马克笔, 70 X 100cm, 2011

I provide a seemingly irrational vision. This refers to the irrationality of the world we all live in ¬– how strange it is to be human, to witness the oddity of living. It refers to the idea that life is meaningless and humorous and that societal narratives are simply constructed illusions developed in order to make living palatable. There are lots of things that happen in my drawings, which point towards how we as humans live in an inexplicable condition that is beyond our control.

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